Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leonardo Da Vinci Background (Art History Final)

For my final project I felt a drawing would be best, for I am not much of a painter, a carver, or a photographer. In fact as far as artistic abilities I am really only good at drawing, so it was not hard to decide what I would do. I thought I would have trouble choosing a drawing at first, for many artists we studied were painters, but then I remembered Leonardo Da Vinci was a man of many talents, and one of those talents was drawing.So I decided to replicate a drawing he had intended to become a sculpture of a horse, but was unfortunately never built in his lifetime. I used simple materials to recreate the drawing, using just a regular pencil, some thick sketching paper, and lots of time and patience. Leonardo Da Vinci was adept at many things such as painting, drawing, sculpting, engineering, and took a special interest in science and anatomy. He was both an artist and a scientist.In fact, if he were to tell you his profession, he may have told you any number of things: a painter, an engineer, a cartographer. His talents seemed limitless and it appears he made his best efforts to explore all he possibly could of his talents. The horse I decided to replicate was originally meant to be the largest equestrian model in the world. The man who asked Da Vinci to create the sculpture was named Ludovico il Moro. He was the Duke of Milan and requested the statue be built to honor his father, Francesco, in the year of 1482.Da Vinci first drew sketches of what the statue would look like and began making the sculpture from clay. Unfortunately in 1499 the French destroyed his clay model and the sculpture remained unfinished for centuries. Since 1970, however, there have been many replicas made from Leonardo Da Vinci’s many drawings of the potential horse sculpture. Some of these replicas can be found in Hungary, Italy, and the USA in various sizes and interpretations of the piece.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Food prices and the global demand for food have been on the rise in recent years. The catalyst for riots worldwide and food insecurity has caused widespread disturbances in agricultural industries. Food insecurity exists when people do not have adequate physical, social or economic access to food (FAO, United Nations 2009). It is captivating and noteworthy to mention that there is enough food to feed twice the earth’s population yet, food is not being equally distributed. This renders a high percentage of the world’s population poverty-stricken and hungry. Local governments, food rights activists, international trade institutions, and non-governmental organizations are becoming increasingly concerned with food distribution and food sovereignty (Schanbacher, 2010). Neoliberal processes that control  distribution and consumption are dominating policies regarding food production. International trade institution and multinational corporations dominate the entire food chai n, and as a result the global food system has encountered a crisis. The food crisis that persists today is by no means a sudden disaster that has struck the agricultural industry. It is the manifestation of a long-standing crisis in agriculture. Neoliberal global food systems have significantly modified the dynamics of agricultural production and farmers no longer have control over the food they produce and are subjected to volatile markets (Borras, 2009). Data collected by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization between 2004 and 2006 shows that the number of undernourished people in the world has been steadily increasing for almost two decades. The report showed that there was little or no progress being made towards World Food Summit targets to reduce hunger and that most of the countries were suffering from undernourishment (FAO, United Nations, 2009). While lesser-developed countries do benefit from some aspects of neoliberal globalization, it must be said that the same processes put marginalized societies at risk; impoverished farmers are no exception. These vulnerable farmers endure diminished technological resources and face stiff competition from capital-intensive foreign producers (Friedman, 2005). For decades the food industry’s hegemonic agents have perpetuated liberalized and unsustainable food systems that have resulted in many countries to falling victim to food insecurity. Such a grave and widespread problem warrants an in-depth exploration, to be carried out within this report. Beginning with a probe into the historical and contemporary challenges of food insecurity, this paper contends that structural changes at an international level are necessary to improve global access to sustenance. Case studies and multifaceted conceptualizations of the issue culminate in the identification of viable solutions to eradicat e food insecurity forever. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Although food insecurity is not a new phenomenon, the term was only coined in the mid-1970s, following a food crisis in 1972, which lasted for one year (Fulton, 2012). The magnitude of that crisis caused many to remark it, as the advent of food insecurity itself. Although it is often thought that  food insecurity is a result of food scarcity, Friedmann (1982) explains that food insecurity should be conceptualize as â€Å"a structural turning point† in the globe’s food production and distribution. Friedmann considers this first global food crisis to be the initial breakdown of the world’s food economy; which sustained grain surpluses and depressed prices (1982). Fulton also attempts to draw our attention to the heart of the matter by referring to the paradigm shift within the international food security discourse. Fulton (2012) contends that the analytical focus of the issue changed from food supply management, to the assessment of people’s ability to saf ely and consistently access food in a timely manner. In retrospect, the invention of new seed technologies, investments in rural agriculture, modern fertilizers and irrigation, caused many to be surprised by the catastrophe (Timmer, 2010). A variety of complex events, such as the oil crisis, rendered developing nations vulnerable and triggered the 1972 food crises (Friedmann, 1993). While some scholars regard oil’s radical price increases as the key catalyst to the food crisis, others interpret it differently (Fulton, 2012). Timmer for example, suggests that the high food prices led to soaring crude oil prices and that environmental catalysts were at the core of the 1972 food crisis (2010). Timmer goes on to explain that during the dry season in 1972 a severe drought, caused by El Nino, caused rice crops in Indonesia, Thailand and, the Philippines to be drastically reduced (Timmer, 2010). Soon after, domestic prices and demand for rice skyrocketed. To meet domestic demand Tha iland, the world’s leading rice exporter, banned rice export in April 1973. What followed was a nine months standstill in world rice markets. Countries were left to depend on rice imports to fulfill domestic demand for food. Residual effects of El Nino spread far across the globe and had devastating ramifications. In 1972 the world’s grain production decreased by 16 million metric tons (mmt), rice production dropped by14mmt and, wheat production diminished by 8mmt. Cumulatively, the total shortfall in world grain supply amounted to approximately 70 tons and represented an 8% reduction in global food supply. As a result of the shortage of food grains, prices rose. As a means of guranteeing their domestic food supply, oil-rich food-importing nation-states, reacted with an oil embargo against the United States and the former Soviet Union. Following the increase in oil prices, fertilizer  prices also went up. The international community responded to the crisis and the countries in dire straits, by formulating what Friedmann terms a â€Å"temporary, elegant and dangerous† solution (1993). The solution was to offer lavished transnational bank loans, financed by oil-rich nations (Friedmann, 1993). The global food crisis originated due to severe weather conditions that were exacerbated by financial turmoil. Together with the Cold War, these issues aggravated the socio-political and economic conditions which eventually lead to explosive grain prices. CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: CASE STUDIES Since the food crisis in the early 1970s, humanity has witnessed a variety of countries declaring food emergencies, such as famine. In the year 2006 alone, twenty-five of the thirty-nine serious food emergencies were caused by the aftermath of violent conflicts, natural hazards or, a combination of the two (Alinovi, 2007). Of these thirty-nine serious food traumas, several of these crises were on-going for years and, in some cases for decades (Alinovi, 2007). The intensity and severity of a nation’s political conflicts dictates the impact that that conflict has on the food security. In certain instances it is impossible for some developing nations to overcome such dismal conditions. Since 1986, at least five African countries have been in a constant state of food insecurity for fifteen years, or more. A country that best embodies this is Somalia. Recent occurrences in the Horn of Africa, where hundreds of thousands of people died due to starvation, have been well publicized an d are well-known by the general public. Without looking at the broader context, the mainstream media was quick to assert that the famine in Somalia was caused by severe drought. While it is correct that the region received the lowest rainfall that it had in sixty years, the famine was compounded by neglect. Two years prior to the famine, Islamist rebels prohibited most aid agencies from working in Somalia and the rebels only rescinded the ban when the food situation there was officially labeled a ‘famine’. Famines are declared when, a third of the child population is acutely malnourished and when two adults or four children per 10,000 people die of hunger each day (Chossudovsky, 2011). Before and during the famine in Somalia, the atmosphere was one of lawlessness, gang warfare and anarchy; all of which  contributed to the famine (Chossudovsky, 2011). It is noteworthy to mention that this was not the first time that conditions were severe in Somalia. In fact, in 1992 t housands of citizens starved to death and far-reaching famines prompted international intervention. When President Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991, Somalia effectively became a failed state and politically driven civil-wars led to impoverishment. United Nations peacekeeping forces were eventually pulled out of the country after two American Black Hawk helicopters were shot down in 1993. Another nation that exemplifies contemporary food insecurity is Sudan. In the case of Sudanese, the major catalyst for the crisis was the conflict between the central government and a rebel group, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) (Alinovi, 2007). When a country endures a civil war, an extraordinary amount of stress is placed on the civilian population. Not only are hospitals, clinics, schools and agriculture services diminished, or closed altogether, trade links and communication networks are disrupted indefinitely (Dodge, 1990). The policies enacted by the Sudanese government are directly related to the level of food insecurity experienced in the country’s Nuba Mountains. The Unregistered Land Act of 1970 resulted in a grab for farming land and displaced peaceful Nuba villagers. In addition to disrupting the Nuba people’s agro-ecology, humanitarian aid in SPLA controlled areas was blocked (Pantuliano, 2007). These measures successfully disrupted the vil lager’s conventional farming systems in favour of large-scale mechanized corporate agriculture (Pantuliano, 2007). These two case studies are prime examples of nations that have suffered from food insecurity due to political conflicts, lawlessness and anarchy. It is clear that given the multidimensional nature of the problem, short-term humanitarian aid will not yield successful results. Consequently, a complex issue such as food insecurity requires multifaceted solutions. EXPLORING FOOD INSECURITY The causes of food insecurity are as unique as the countries that are impacted; therefore conceptualizing the issue requires that it be examined from varying angles. An inability to access adequate and nutritious food inevitably results in malnourishment. This section will examine whether  the Malthusian theory can assist in obtaining a greater understanding of the emergence and persistence of food insecurity. The Malthusian Theory of Population refers to works by Robert Malthus. Malthus’ theory relies on the premise that two fixed factors are the driving forces of human existence: food and passion between the sexes. Further, Malthus contends that unchecked populations grow exponentially, while food supplies increase arithmetically. These differing growth rates are what Malthus believed caused populations to grow faster than their food supply; according to him, this in turn causes food insecurity. Appendix A represents this concept visually. Malthus believed that when a high population is strained due to a lack of food, naturally occurring ‘preventive checks’ keep the population from getting out of control (Drysdale, 1878). Essentially he believed that food insecurity itself was caused these checks (Drysdale, 1878). There are however many critics of the Malthusian Theory. Ester Boserup believed that a small population actually restrains technological innovations and keeps agriculture at subsistence levels. Boserup asserts that major innovations in agriculture only occurred when food insecurity was a factor because it forced large populations to find any means of sustaining its populace. Julian Simon was equally as critical of Malthus and regarded people as resource creators rather than, resource destroyers. Simon believed that population growth has a positive, and not a negative impact on development. Both Boserup and Simon contend that the Malthusian Theory of Population fails to sufficiently explain the causes of food insecurity (Malthus ian Crisis, 2009). Critics go on to highlight another of Robert Malthus’s shortcomings; he did not take into account human ability to intentionally control birth rate. The Malthusian theory states that food insecurity results in population controls such as: food shortages, epidemics, pestilence and plagues. It is therefore possible for humans, given a lack of food, to simply decide to limit their reproduction. Malthusian theory also underestimates the possibility that food can increase at an exponential rate. Scientific advancements in the last few centuries have made the exponential growth of food production a reality (International Society, 2009). Neo-Malthusian theory, despite accepting human being’s ability to control fertility and therefore the population growth rate, still fails to account for the progress being made towards increasing global food supplies  (Acselrad, 2006). Many of the areas that experience food insecurity are in third world countries, which are characterized by very high birth rates. The concern now is to find out why food insecurity continues to exist. If Malthus’ theory has been disproven and there truly is enough food for everyone in the world it is extremely important, now more than ever, to examine other possible causes of continued international food imbalances. EXPLORING FOOD INSECURITY: THE ROLE OF CORPORATIONS While Malthus was correct in his emphasis on technology and the environmental burdens associated with food production, in relation to the effects of food insecurity, he could not have conceptualized the far-reaching impact of large multinational agribusiness corporations. Contemporary industrialized society’s agricultural economies are characterized by the commodification of food products, engineered from the farm to the dinner table (Drabenstott, 1995). This industrialized approach applies principals of economic efficiency to cultivation and, has resulted in a slippery slope of revenue prioritization achieved through the technological alteration of food itself. Biotechnology has enabled the food industry to increase crop yield and revenues through the isolation and incorporation of specific traits from other plants or animals, into food products (Drabenstott, 1995). While Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO foods superficially appear to be reducing shortages, and by extrapo lation food scarcity related deaths; environmental damage caused by intense corporate farming and the high toxicity of GMO foods, actually work to undermine the world’s food security. Intensive farming by agribusinesses degrades the soil and increases the industry’s reliance on chemicals. Fiscally sound, the application of pesticides during the food cultivation process produces greater yield and assures better storage and distribution of the product (Court, 2006). Generally applied aerially using helicopters or airplanes, herbicides such as Atrazine are estrogen disruptors and increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease (Aiyelaagbe, 2011). Herbicides often transported via surface runoff, leeches into the ground where it contaminates distant water sources and, can cause cancer after increased exposure (Aiyelaagbe, 2011). Toxins applied during production are inevitably transferred to the produce and have adverse effects on human populations worldwide. Genetically eng ineered or  modified foods have similar, unpublicized, adverse effect. Global leader in agribusiness ingenuity, Monsanto Corporation’s modified â€Å"Bt† corn was engineered with a bacteria bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium produces the pesticide Bttoxin aimed at killing insects during production. Appendix B illustrates this process. Monsanto Corporation told the public that the Bttoxin was entirely safe because it would be completely destroyed in the human digestive system; however that was not a true statement. Studies have shown the pesticide to be present in the fetal blood of 80% of pregnant Canadian women tested (Smith, 2013). The full effects of the toxin are still unknown nevertheless preliminary research indicates that ‘Bt’ may cause deformities in unborn children (Smith, 2013). Without speaking to the morality of the subject, technological changes to alter the biological processes of plants and animals for the purposes of increasing crop yield, is actually counter-productive to the goal of sustaining life. Corpo rations such as Monsanto facilitate modern industrial society’s commodification of life sustaining nourishment. In short, the western corporatization of agriculture has left the world with a food system that no longer functions to provide safe, wholesome and nutritious food for all people. SOLUTIONS & CONCLUSIONS Food insecurity can be found in every corner of the globe and is usually caused by drought, famine, natural disasters, war, political instability, economic upheaval and most recently, global warming. Although developed and developing countries alike suffer from varying degrees of the problem, the former suffers less often than the latter. As is the case in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA; food insecurity can be a short-term problem, that if effectively tackled, can be rectified (Huffingtonpost, 2012). Food insecurity can also spiral into a long-term problem, as is the case in Sudan North Africa where political instability has fostered food insecurity in the region (Mensah, 2013). Food insecurity in most cases is caused by natural disasters (ie. earthquake in Haiti, tsunami in Thailand) where there is little or no warning. Natural disasters destroy infrastructure and food supplies; therefore it is a necessity that nations be ready in the event of any emergency. The first step to take when the problem of food insecurity arises is to evaluate local needs. Need is  determined by the causal factors of the crisis in a particular area. Conducting a comprehensive evaluation, by examining key data on local assets, resources and, livelihood strategies is key to minimizing damage. For example, response teams could be sent out to meet directly with community members to better understand local conditions and create a collaborative plan of action to end food insecurity. The solutions to food insecurity can be classified into two categories: short-term and long-term solutions. Short-term solutions usually precede long-term solutions; and are the first responses to emergency situations. Short-term strategies include the distribution of food, cash and other items to prevent food insecurity in smaller timeframe. An example of this can be observed among the poor in the United States on food stamps and as well as in Haiti. Haiti received food aid and cash gifts from organizations and people around the world after an earthquake struck the island nation. Haiti has had a long history of food insecurity, brought about by political instability and poor governance. Long-term solutions to food insecurity are devised with a more stable future in mind. Technological innovations have proven to be the main source of hope for future food security. Through technological innovation we can and have been able increase crop production to fight food insecurity and build stability internationally. Through sophisticated methods like genetic engineering, scientists have been able to modify the DNA of crops in order to increase agricultural output. ‘’An example [of this] can be observed in the case of an apple; ‘’an apple is about the size of a little pea, it started somewhere in Russia and it was inedible at the time of discovery. The domestication of the plant has resulted in twenty thousand different varieties of the fruit, all originated from one plant species (Despommier, n.d.). This report, above all things, demonstrates that augmented crop yield does absolutely nothing to increase marginalized people’s access to food. Technologically driven agriculture is unsustainable and damages poorer populationsâ€⠄¢ only tool of self-determinism: the land. Genetically modified foods and seeds contain diminished nutritional value and are toxic to human beings. Food insecurity in actuality, directly relates to socio-political issues that exacerbate the neo-liberal dilemma of unfair food distribution. Each country must therefore resist hegemonic policies and take their population’s survival into their own hands. This report  calls for return to subsistence farming. Importing food to meet domestic need, in constantly fluctuating and volatile markets, adds to the problem of unreliable food supplies. Neither entirely correct nor incorrect, Malthus had no way of accounting for globalizations’ impact on absolutely every facet of contemporary life. Unless the international community abandons â€Å"equality† in favor of equity, rampant food insecurity will continue. WORKS CITED Abandon the Cube (2011). Seven Billion†¦ and Counting. Abandon the Cube. Retrieved from Acselrad, H. (2006). 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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alternative assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alternative assignment - Essay Example The essay hereby recounts these experiences and awareness of music and compared to the previous days when one was not actually aware of the diversity of sounds being heard within the daily course of activities. A concluding portion would highlight what has been learned appropriately from the experience. A Recount of the Musical Experience From the time one wakes up, it is a habit to turn off the first sound that is heard and experienced: the sound of one’s alarm clock as set from the cellular phone: the alarm sound was of Liszt. As one gets up, I am greeted by our pets at home, a family of Shih Tzus who happen to happily greet me with barks of excitement. Mother is already in the kitchen preparing breakfast and now, I am cognizant of kitchen sounds: the running of water in the sink to wash the utensils needed to prepare the meal; the fizzle of eggs and bacon in the pan; the opening and closing of the refrigerator to get water or juice; and the sound of making a good aromatic c up of coffee. I just realized that the sounds of preparing breakfast were music to my ear. At the background, I also hear my siblings preparing for their daily destinations. There was the sound of water in the shower, and one sibling opened the radio in his room to play faint background music. From what I remember and noted some of the songs that were played were as follows: Too Close by Alex Clare; One More Night by Maroon 5; and Lights by Ellie Gouldy. Also, at this early morning, I already hear vehicles rushing to work and the intermittent honking of their horns at the farthest location to warn pedestrians and other vehicles at intersections. It is at this point that I recognize the chirping of our pet Zebra Finch, all three of them, like sounds of little trumpets, as they happily hop from one branch to another in their bird cage. As the day goes on, turning the television, one could more audibly appreciate the television commercials and I tried to determine the background songs being played: there was the song in Coke commercial: Fountain Pour where Paul Riddick and The Sidemen apparently sing I’m a Criminal. Another commercial, Apple iPod where Willy Moon sang Yeah Yeah. Of course, just be looking for programs though different cable stations in one’s television would generate a barrage of sounds and songs and background music. While trying to locate a good television program after the morning news, one encountered Pepsi Max commercial where Jennifer Netties sang Your Cheatin Heart. I could not remember the songs for all the other commercials that were viewed, but one remembers JC Penny commercial and Sprint Girl to what I could recognize as Alexi Murdoch’s All My Days. Of course on the way to school, most of the sounds that one hears include the vehicles along the road and sounds people make: their chatter, conversation, walking (some people walk really noisy), and there are houses where children could be heard either crying, laughing , or just playing with car toys. There is a sound heard of a neighbor sweeping the front lawn and cutting the grass. At their respective houses, their radio playing background music of Justin Bieber’s As Long as You Love Me and Some Nights by Fun. I even heard the Korean singer Psy singing the famous Gangnam song. When night

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Doing Business in Russia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Doing Business in Russia - Assignment Example Not since the days of Peter the Great has Russia seen such limitless potential for businesses seeking to gain opportunities; however, this is not to say that entering Russian markets is an easy, or that success is a foregone conclusion. Being able to properly discuss doing business in Russia first requires an understanding of the Russian business environment, which is one that is highly unique given the massive political, social, and economic changes the nation has undergone as a result of the shift away from Communism. Especially in the cities of the nation, there has emerged a significant population of consumers who are eager to experience products from other parts of the world. This is made especially relevant due to the fact that the nation has likewise undergone an economic resurgence and a cultural renaissance. All of these factors have made Russia more attractive to potential investors who appear to be impressed by what is taking place within Russia itself. This is not to say, however, that carte blanche business involvement in Russia is a possibility for every company wishing to do so. Rather, there are important concepts for companies to understand before getting involved in Russia (Bergman, et al, nd).: Collectivism- Dating back to the days when Russian peasants gathered together for the purposes of farming and producing goods together, collectivism still exists in Russia to a large extent, creating a sort of group mindset for consumers, posing a particular challenge for businesses entering the Russian business sector. Egalitarianism- What is meant by egalitarianism in this context is yet another concept dating back to the communist days of Russia, when the removal of inequality was endorsed in favor of an equal distribution of all that society had to offer, which usually leads to traditional Russian business negotiations being considered as a group effort, with all sharing in the benefits of the particular business operations. Dusha- This is a somewhat mysterious force within Russian society, referring to the collective spirit and belief sets of the Russian people. However, for anyone doing business in Russia, a fundamental understanding of this concept is extremely critical. It must also be understood that, as a note of caution, there were previous attempts to open up Russian borders to outside business interests, which was essentially thwarted by the inability of the government under Mikhail Gorbachev to remedy issues of business productivity, product availability, personnel and marketing (Owen, 1995) although admittedly, these problems most likely occurred because this Russian business effort was an internal, homegrown effort which did not make a lot of sense given the inherent lack of business acumen of the level that a recently opened economy like that of Russia would demand. A Rising Opportunity: Russia's Oil Market When thinking of the most readily available and productive oil fields in the world, images of the riches and potential of the Middle East typically come to mind; however, what many fail to realize is the past of Russia's oil industry, as well as its fascinatingly lucrative potential for the future. Following suit of other Russian businesses over the years, the Russian oil industry has risen to impressive heights

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Teamwork and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teamwork and Leadership - Essay Example It focuses on leadership of the support staff and teamwork involved. It further explores leadership theories in relation to the role played by the support staff in a SEN school setting. The paper suggests a plan that can be used at the workplace to influence improved strategies, approaches and policies for managing teams and groups in an organization. Finally, offers the conclusion and recommendations to the SEN team on how to improve overall management performance. HRM Theory Human resource management refers to the way in which employees’ efforts are managed. HRM conveys a wider and dynamic approach concerning the role of employee management in organizations as stated by Bratton and Gold (2001). However, this term has different meanings in varying organizations and contexts. HRM takes into account the needs of the organization and those of its people. Different employees in a team have individual aspirations and needs. It involves finding out their needs and creating opportun ities where they can develop. In general, HRM relates to all aspects of how an organization relates to its staff in regards to teamwork, training, development and opportunities. This paper focuses on the HRM theory in the education sector. The concept is different in the education sector as it focuses on performance, effectiveness and success (Earley et al. 2004; Stakes and Homby 2000; Nind et al. 2003). Provision of high quality education in SEN schools is dependent on the quality of work put in place. There are two HRM models that can be used to describe the HRM theory which are, commitment based HRM and control based HRM. Commitment based HRM This model is described as a working situation where there is teamwork and shared goals and beliefs (Bratton and Gold 2001). In this case the job is designed for joint implementation and planning (teamwork). Employees work to achieve common goals and objectives. Problems are solved mutually by consulting all the team members. Fulfilment of t he employees’ needs is mandatory. There are effective channels of communication among different staff levels (Lewis and Norwich 2004). This model is contradictory to the current situation in the school. Control- based HRM This model suits best as the leader handles most of responsibility on their own. The management can be described as top- down coordination (Bratton and Gold 2001). There is sub- division of work and each employee is given a specific responsibility and is held accountable for it. Compensation is based on the work done, job evaluation, incentives and appraisal. The management dictates what should be done and the other members of staff are excluded in the decision making process. Strengths and weaknesses of HRM HRM is applicable in the case study as it involves the relationship between the management and employees. It focuses on the needs of the employees and the inclusion of all the members of staff in the decision making process. This approach has several wea knesses since it is business oriented. It is influenced by business policies including competitive advantage whereas schools aim at achieving improved performance and quality improvement in education. Analysis of leadership The concept of leadership within the schools means that the managers are responsible for the work done by others (Gibson 2001). For them be successful, they have to effectively carry out their roles and responsibilities. The major roles played by leaders are, monitoring, supervising and implementation of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Masculinity in sport presented by contemporary media Essay

Masculinity in sport presented by contemporary media - Essay Example ch on "Masculinity in Sport Presented by Contemporary Media" deals with the varied aspects associated with male athleticism and the manner in which it is represented in popular media. The public representation of male athletes in the media is dominated by sport stars; portraying a "macho image" and who are often addressed with male-specific metaphors deliberately framed with the sole objective of monopolizing mens physical force, in the arena of men’s sport. This can be further substantiated by the description of masculinity in sport as depicted by Gerhard Vinnai (1976, Pp. 74): â€Å"The importance of rock-hard muscles, absence of sentimentality in harsh duels, acceptance of frequently painful injuries and ability to consume vast quantities of beer after the game . . . characterises the moral atmosphere among the sportsmen† The concept of masculinity in mediated sport is debated, and challenged, widely during the recent decade, by scholars and academicians alike, and holds great relevance, particularly when viewed against the backdrop of a rapidly emerging heterogeneous audience which comprises of gays and emergence of seemingly â€Å"effeminate† sports, and the rise in the number of viewers having diverse values and attitude and media consumption habits. In order to examine, explore and analyse the influence and role of mass media in representing masculinity in sport, this study uses the secondary research, qualitative research methodology, whereby various research articles, media articles, news published in tabloids, books, television adverts and sport magazines are studied, to gather evidence required to substantiate the research hypothesis and research objectives listed in the previous section of this paper. This study mostly relies on secondary research and all the observations made are through literature review, and existing available material on the subject under study. This study is divided into three distinct chapters wherein the concept of hegemonic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Creative imagination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Creative imagination - Essay Example However, the two philosophers’ approaches to Kant differ in several fundamentally different ways: while Singer presents Kantian ideas in fluid form, embedded in the context of a linear history developing the concept of the â€Å"aesthetic†, Warnock presents Kant analytically: developing Kantian ideas in a systematic, step-by-step fashion. In fact, these two approaches may be applied to the entireties of the two works. While Singer tries to build a narrative history for the reader, Warnock’s piece is much less designed for the non-philosopher. She presents difficult concepts in a linear fashion, and builds on them progressively to reach conclusions, whereas Singer embeds philosophical ideas into his logical edifice. Paying close attention to the way in which both accounts present Kant’s relation of imagination to the human production of art, we can see how well both approaches work in achieving the same end: understanding of what the aesthetic really is and how imagination is related to it. Mary Warnock begins her chapter on imagination’s relation to the aesthetic with a discussion of what David Hume had to say on the matter. She moves on to Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which is his seminal work in aesthetic philosophy. Warnock notes immediately the difficulty of assessing Kant’s message in the third Critique, which is ambivalent towards its overarching purpose, and she makes a sharp contrast between Hume and Kant, the latter having placed a much greater emphasis upon the world of reason and understanding. So, whereas Hume thought of an idea as a sensation, or a shallow impression, Kant saw it as a magnificent entity produced in the highest of faculties. Between reason and understanding lies judgment for Kant; the reflective judgment, Kant says, can be illustrated by both natural science and the aesthetic. In natural science, this judgment is only available when the scientist assumes finality in nature—that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Human Resource Management at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Resource Management at Work - Essay Example In this situation, it is essential that employees perceive constant organizational support and are motivated to improve their workplace performance. HR leadership and management strategies will play the vital role in bringing organizations in the leisure industry toward their strategic goals. That HRM decisions produce a multitude of effects on the quality of performance in organizations is a well-known fact. Brendon Jones, Ltd is no exception. In its current situation, the company has several strategic options to choose from. While the company is losing its market position and experiences a rapid decline in consumer satisfaction, its principal task is to improve its stability and position in the leisure industry and retain its consumers. Also, the company must ensure that the number of new consumers constantly increases and, most importantly, that new and existing consumers are satisfied with the quality of its entertainment services. Advertising looks like the primary and the most promising solution to the customer issues: while Brendon Jones, Ltd is losing its consumers, a well-developed advertising campaign could help it to revive its brand and popularity and attract new customers. Attractive as it may look, advertising and brand revival will not resolve the companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s organizational issues from within. Advertising is just an instrument of popularity and competitiveness in a short-term perspective. In no way does advertising help to raise the efficiency of business operations at Brendon Jones, Ltd. Therefore, the organization could try to reconsider its budget and financial expenses, to open new parks or develop new, sophisticated attractions. Apparently, the success of the leisure industry organizations is in whether they can surprise their consumers. The more surprising and sophisticated attractions are the more interested

Friday, August 23, 2019

I will add that myself it is a team collaboration, I dont neeed a Essay

I will add that myself it is a team collaboration, I dont neeed a cover page either - Essay Example Competence and Qualifications of Team Collaborator My educational background as graduating with a Bachelors of Science and Management, in conjunction with my work experience as a paramedic, has equipped me to prepare myself for the roles and duties as team collaborator. I have good communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills that have been developed through courses taken in the academe, such as: Communication Skills for the Human Services Professional and Human Motivation, among others. In this regard, with the BSM degree where management courses predominate, the functions of planning, coordinating, organizing and controlling have been learned, practiced and applied. These qualifications, traits, and skills make me competent to assume the role of a team collaborator to ensure that all group activities, consistent with the respective member’s duties and responsibilities are relayed, monitored, and any ensuing problems could be addressed, as needed. Reference Task Manage ment Guide. (2011).